The Anthology of Economic Thought in the Far East. Issue 1.

antol_2008.jpg  The Anthology of Economic Thought in the Far East. Issue 1. Colonization Processes in Priamurye Region at the Turn of 20th Century / executive editor P.A. Minakir ; Rus. Acad. Sci., Far-East. Branch, Econ. Research Inst. - Khabarovsk : RIOTIP, 2008. - 208 p. 
The present volume is the first in the series «The Anthology of Economic Thought in the Far East».  For the first time after long-term oblivion the reader is offered a number of «old» scientific works dealing with the formation and development of economic science in the Russian Far Fast. A number of ideas expressed in the early 20th century regarding the priorities and trends of the Far East's development, have remained urgent up to now.

The works of A.A. Kauffman, N.A. Kryukov and A.A. Rittikh  along with a commentaries of today are offered to a large public.

Key words: colonization, colonization capacity, migration, land regulation, land use.

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